Friday, July 16, 2010

Knock Knock, Who's there?

"A Raptor and Cavalier"
- " A Raptor and Cavalier who?"
" No not who, but rather where..."
- " Okay, where? "

" South Beach Florida! Obviously "

Where else would you find a Raptor and Cavalier in the summer of 2010. Painfully obvious that I'm speaking of the newly formed Miami Trice. Chris Bosh, Lebron James and Dwayne Wade. The NBA has been taken by storm! Some feel slighted, Cleveland. Others, not surprised, Toronto, they are after all totally use to losing their star players at some point in there primes. ( McGrady and Carter ) I however, as a sports fan, am extremely excited! I'm sure most share that sentiment! Being a loyal fan of the Boston Celtics, I can not make arguments that the maneuvering that took place during free agency this year was in some way, colluded, or conspired in anyway. The Celtics made this model of a big 3 after all, when they shipped everyone out of town, along with several current and future first round picks, to Seattle and Minnesota to secure the services of Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett. We know what happened there. Twelve months later, we all knew that, "Anything is possible!" Most NBA fans are penciling in the Heat to achieve the same feat come next June, they do have a much younger, and more individually talented trio then the Celtics did, that I agree with. However, championship teams are built, not bought. The Celtics built their's, players like Rajon Rondo, James Posey and Kendrick Perkins played big rolls for the team that playoff season. Time will tell if Miami can surround their big 3, with the right pieces.

 The one thing the Heat do have going for them, is Pat Riley, one of the greatest NBA coaches of all time. He has been there before, 6 championships actually, and it looks like he will be there again. This is the element of the big 3, that really makes them the big 4. You always here Phil Jackson's name mentioned right after Kobe's in Los Angeles. "Kobe and Phil". Riley could the X factor for the Miami Heat this season, he'll have more tools then he's had since his days with the Lakers in the 80's.Regardless of the eventual outcome of this NBA season, one thing we can all look forward to, is the Hollywood side show, that has now become the Miami Heat. Basketball fans will be glued to their television sets come October when the Heat tip off for the first time. If the NBA knows what they're doing, and I'm sure David Stern does, that game will either be, Cavs vs Heat, Celtics vs Heat, or god forbid, because the earth as we know it would likely implode from the hype, Lakers vs Heat. Buckle up planet earth, this is now Miami's planet, we all just live on it.

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